TEDxFS 2021

TEDxFS – Give your ideas a voice

Welcome to TEDxFS! In our forth edition of TEDxFS, the audience will be inspired by a variety of German and international speakers from various fields and backgrounds, that are united by following their individual passion. Join our conference „Stories worth telling“ on May 8th, 2021 from 5-10pm in the Audimax at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management!

"Stories worth telling"

About TEDxFS

TEDxFS aims to bring scholars, explorers, and enthusiasts together to our TEDx events at Frankfurt School of Finance and Management. You will be inspired by a variety of German and international speakers from various fields and backgrounds, that are united by following their individual passion. The events will be a platform where you will meet people with similar but also very different interests, positions, and passions, hence sparking conversations that will change your mind and eventually your life.

Sharing the vision of "Ideas worth spreading”

If you have any additional questions or inquiries, please contact us at info@tedxfs.com or visit Contact.

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management is a leading private business school based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. It has 86 regional education centres throughout Germany and various joint ventures and programmes abroad.

It offers top class degree courses and continuing education options in seven different programme divisions. It maintains four specialist research centres and runs numerous international consulting projects.